This summary provides a streamlined version of the comprehensive checklist, highlighting key actions for preparing data and infrastructure for AI and advanced analytics in the pharmaceutical industry.

1. Data Governance and Management

  • Define AI and analytics objectives.
  • Establish data ownership and stewardship.
  • Implement data privacy, security, and quality standards.

2. Data Collection and Integration

  • Identify relevant data sources (clinical trials, R&D, etc.).
  • Ensure accurate data collection and automate where possible.
  • Integrate data sources into a unified system.

3. Data Quality and Validation

  • Clean data by removing duplicates and correcting errors.
  • Validate data through regular checks and audits.

4. Data Storage and Management

  • Use scalable, secure storage solutions.
  • Implement robust data management tools and metadata management.

5. Data Security and Privacy

  • Encrypt data and implement access controls.
  • Anonymize patient data and comply with regulations (HIPAA, GDPR).

6. Data Analysis and AI Readiness

  • Prepare data for analysis and create subsets for AI training.
  • Choose appropriate AI and analytics tools.
  • Ensure computational resources are adequate.

7. Model Development and Validation

  • Develop models using suitable AI/ML algorithms.
  • Validate models using cross-validation and monitor performance.

8. Regulatory Compliance and Ethics

  • Ensure compliance with regulatory bodies (FDA, EMA).
  • Address ethical implications and ensure transparency in AI decisions.

9. Training and Change Management

  • Train staff on new tools and processes.
  • Develop a change management strategy to handle transitions.

10. Continuous Improvement

  • Establish feedback mechanisms for continuous improvement.
  • Encourage innovation and stay updated with AI advancements.

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May 30, 2024

Data Readiness Checklist for AI

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